| | Lyserg
![bullet](../_themes/copy-of-rice-paper/aricebu1.gif) | Age: 14 |
![bullet](../_themes/copy-of-rice-paper/aricebu1.gif) |
May 17, 1986 |
![bullet](../_themes/copy-of-rice-paper/aricebu1.gif) | Spirit
Ally: Morphine, Zeruel,
Spirit of Fire |
![bullet](../_themes/copy-of-rice-paper/aricebu1.gif) | Weapon/Medium:
A crystal dowsing pendulum / gun # Sword 008 |
![bullet](../_themes/copy-of-rice-paper/aricebu1.gif) | Episode
Ep. 27 |
![bullet](../_themes/copy-of-rice-paper/aricebu1.gif) | Furyoku:
170,000 |
![bullet](../_themes/copy-of-rice-paper/aricebu1.gif) | Description:
Lyserg is an
English shaman form London. He was orphaned when he was 6 when his parents were
killed by Hao. He
eventually joins the X-Laws after traveling with Yoh
and his friends for a while.
In the anime, Lyserg abandons Morphine for the Archangel
Zeruel. In the manga,
when he is presented with Zeruel, he keeps Morphine, where she and Zeruel
combine to form Lyserg's Armor Oversoul. |
![bullet](../_themes/copy-of-rice-paper/aricebu1.gif) | In
the manga, he is killed when Marco's car exploded and experiences his Hell
and is later resurrected by Sati. Thanks to his experience in Hell, he
became the second strongest of Sati's 5 Warriors and receives the Spirit of
Fire as his third spirit ally, which is kind of ironic. His new oversoul
after his Hell-training is called Matsema Dolkeem. When he was killed,
Tsukigumi gloated over his death. |
![bullet](../_themes/copy-of-rice-paper/aricebu1.gif) | Father:
Liam Diethel; Mother: Jean Diethel |
![bullet](../_themes/copy-of-rice-paper/aricebu1.gif) | He
can be rather unstable when it comes to parent/child situations after being
alone for 8 years. Even though he hates Hao with a passion, Yoh's
philosophies keep him from crossing the line in his mission to kill Hao. He
often becomes an anti-hero and will get very angry at the sight or mention
of Hao. His dreams are to have his revenge against Hao and become a great
detective like his father. |
![bullet](../_themes/copy-of-rice-paper/aricebu1.gif) | Is
often mistreated by Marco for sometimes questioning
the methods the X-Laws used to gain justice against Hao. When he spies on
the X-Laws after being turned away by them, Marco sees him with Manta and
slaps him. Meene stops him before he could hit
Lyserg again. |
![bullet](../_themes/copy-of-rice-paper/aricebu1.gif) | When
Marco dies, Lyserg keeps his glasses in his honor and is comforted by Opacho.
While in the Plant of the Valley, he faces Bron, his former officiate, while
everyone else is trapped by a spider net. Bron shoots him in the chest and
everyone believes he is dead until Jeanne is about
to be attacked by Bron. He stops Bron's attack with his hand and tells
Jeanne "Please don't. You shouldn't waste your precious furyoku Lady
Maiden." He explains that he is not dead because Marco's glasses are
anti-projectile and they protected him from the blast. He eventually kills
Bron by using a technique called "Cremation." |
![bullet](../_themes/copy-of-rice-paper/aricebu1.gif) | Really,
Really, Random
Fact: In colorguard, my rifle is named after him. None of my teammates
know that. As far as I know, they think that I made the name up. -.- |
to Characters |