Jai Akari's (Unofficial) Shaman King Fansite! |
Episode 40 Chou Senji Ryakketsu Yoh's group and Anna's group reunites. One of the Shikigami in the flashback has a swastika symbol on its arm. I think that it is the blue one. The Shikigami's names are Zenki and Kouki. In this case, the swastika is not a bad thing and has no connection with Hitler and the Nazi's. The swastika is actually a very old symbol and means life, sun, power, strength, and good luck. Hitler's use of this symbol in World War II dramatically changed it's meaning in the western world. Hao's onmyouji symbol is replaced by a regular star for the dub. The onmyouji is a pentagram. I don't see why it was edited out. Kid's these days always draw stars that look like that and most don't even know what a pentagram is. I suppose 4Kids did not want to be sued by angry parents. Back to Episodes |